Saturday, April 7, 2007


My mom has a tendency to mis-pronounce and confuse similar words. This used to really irritate me but now I just think it is funny. Because that it part of my Mom. And I love my Mom. I should probably be concerned because, the older I get, the more I realize that I am turning INTO my Mom but that is a whole other blog.

A classic example of this is her sending me to school in 7th grade with an excuse note that began "Danielle was absence from school yesterday..........." Never mind that the rest of it said ".........due to the death of her cat." Regardless - she was telling me yesterday about the Easter Brunch menu and apparently they will be having a vegetable melody. I am laughing as I write this. Not AT you Mom - WITH you.


KTu said...

I think your mom rocks!! I just wanted to post something so you would know I'm not a complete idiot and I figured out how to get to your blog!!!

Unknown said...

My principal says...things like"he was so flustrated (as in frustrated and flustered all at the same time....)Drives me insane!