Monday, March 26, 2007

Dogwoods and azaleas and pollen! Oh my!

Growing up in Buffalo, I never understood what was so great about spring. It wasnt warm and it certainly was not pretty. And those omnipresent piles of muddy, gravelly snow that took so long to melt certainly didnt add any beauty to the season. Spring has definitely sprung here in Atlanta. It is simply gorgeous. Dogwoods, azaleas, cherry trees, jasmine, wisteria and more have bloomed like floral fireworks over the last two weeks. This being the first spring in our new place, it has been fun to see things come alive in our own yard. I didnt even know that we had azaleas and dogwoods on our property until now. I am well aware of the fact that if I suffered from allergies I wouldnt be so chipper about the whole situation.

Any allergy sufferers reading this will be cursing me in between nose blowings. That is only if their watery eyes didnt prevent them from seeing this post. I can just hear it. Beautiful?! This sadist thinks spring is *&^%ing b YOO ti ful?! Obviously she has never spent 3 consecutive months wanting to claw her own eyes out. The pollen count is above 5000 now and apparently a count of 150 is normally considered high. It may as well be snowing pollen out there because everyones car is a lovely shade of chartreuse. So to my allergy suffering friends and family, I send my condolences. And to my parents, I send thanks, for not passing on any allergy suffering genes.


kuri, ping, the pinglet, & mini-ping said...

Ohhh, pollen allergies! They're the worst. I seem only to have brief periods of allergies (in the middle of February) but poor E7 has to suffer through allergies pretty much throughout spring. I'll be sure not to tell him about your beautiful spring weather! :)

PS: It's gorgeous here too. The cherry blossoms are coming out!

Unknown said...

Don't bash the Buff....I fondly refer to the period before summer when we are supposed to be having spring as the Mud season. You shoule see the kids shoes!

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