Monday, February 12, 2007

Chrissy - are you proud?

I have been reading my dear friend Chrissy's blog for a few years now. She has terrific insights and a sense of humor that I envy. Being an American living in Japan, she also has lots of adventures to share. It wasn't until recently that I began to think that I wanted my own blog. For one thing - it's one more thing to maintain. But more importantly - what about my life is so interesting that anyone but me would care? Well, perhaps not much. But even before I created this page, I have found myself thinking "this is something I would write about" or "this would make a funny post." And I think that this may be the beauty of blogging for me........forcing me to find a daily gem mixed in amongst the minutiae of the daily grind.

Confession: It has just taken me WAY too long to get through this post. I'm nervous, feeling pressure to be clever, and that is ridiculous. The only one that knows this exists is my husband and he doesn't even know the address!

OK - well before I obsess over this first post any longer I am going to sign off. But not before I say to Chrissy - Thanks! and do I have your permission to post your blog address? It's not as if the masses will be seeing this anytime soon!

1 comment:

kuri, ping, the pinglet, & mini-ping said...

LOVE the blog title!!! See? You're doing a great job already. :) Feel free to post my's hard to blog but you can be sure that I'll be reading faithfully! :)