Wednesday, February 28, 2007

They made me do it.

They made me get haughty and huffy!  For those many inDUHviduals who insisted on pulling into the intersection of Piedmont and Peachtree - even though there was no room to clear it please refer to the Code at the above link.  I am a patient person.  Really I am!  But I was nearly pushed to road rage status after I sat through 3 (yes - 3!) light cycles, unable to go anywhere despite being the first at the light, because people are apparently unable to grasp the concept discussed here.  Sorry for the vent.  I am aware of the futility here since the guilty parties will not be reading this.  But I do feel better.  Thanks for listening.  I will post something positive next time.  Promise.  PS: Fleh sorry you had to hear this twice.


kuri, ping, the pinglet, & mini-ping said...

Hmmm...I hear your pain. Sorry that I can't be much of a help. Everything is completely the opposite in Japan! LOL

K said...

This is the stuff blogs are made of! You are very funny and I love that I heard about it twice.