Sunday, February 25, 2007

Friends don't let friends order pizza.........

..........after spending the afternoon at the Oakhurst Wine Fest. But we will get to that story.

Cindy and Matt visited us this weekend. They drove down from Charlotte to deliver Winston to Kurt and Chrissy - see Flickr. Their neighbor's decided to find a home for their younger pug since it was driving their older / less energetic pug a bit crazy. Kurt and Chrissy were already considering getting a pug companion for Tony. Perfect match. We joined Kurt at Lake Claire Park yesterday for Tony and Winston's first joint dog park venture. It was great fun and Kurt and Chrissy could not be happier with the newest member of their family.

After the park we had a great lunch at the Brick Store Pub (LOVE LOVE LOVE this place) and then got ourselves 4 of the last few tickets available for the Oakhurst Wine Tasting. Long story short - the 4 of us had a great time. I suppose no further explanation is necessary but just in case: Wine+Friends+More wine= great fun + lots of laughter. After making a few new friends and offending a few strangers, we made our way home. Hurray for living within walking distance! So it is about 6:30pm and - shocker - we were hungry. For multiple reasons - none of us should have been playing with knives or near open flames - so we decided pizza was the way to go for dinner. It was determined that I was the most capable of placing said order. And - until this morning - none of us questioned that decision. Until we realized that I paid for the pizza with a credit card when I ordered it AND gave the delivery guy cash - paying for the pizza twice.

In my defense - I was thrown off guard as, when the pizza guy arrived, we were pulling out our best dance moves in the kitchen to Prince - Kiss. And since we have NOTHING on our front windows to prevent people from seeing inside our house, he got the full exposure of this ridiculous display. So I thought I was cool, chatting with the pizza guy, acknowledging what idiots we must appear to be, and he must see some pretty crazy stuff etc etc......completely failing to remember that I had already PAID for the pizza. Now the fact that the pizza guy didn't point out this fact is a whole other issue. Did he really think that I intended to give him a $40 tip? oy vey.

At this point I am questioning my decision to tell various parental/family units about this blog. If and when you (Dad, JC, Jane etc.) read this I hope that you laughed and I understand if you are shaking your head. I am too.


kuri, ping, the pinglet, & mini-ping said...

Did you get your $$ back? I guess things like that some people. LOL

Danielle said...

We were too embarrassed to show our faces at Mojo the next day....